Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Did you know?

  • You can trim the fat from stir-frying--by frying in juice rather than oil? Some tasty options are apple, pineapple or orange juice, and pear or apricot nectar. Since the juice evaporates as the foods are cooking, you need to keep adding more. But the fat content of juice is negligible, and you're saving 13.5 grams of fat for every tablespoon of oil you forgo.
  • First digestion takes place in mouth. Exact biting and chewing and mixing consuming food with saliva in further consequence allows more précised and faster digestion by digestive juices, thanks this food "entering" stomach faster "leaves" it.
  • Green tea purifies blood, strengthens teeth, and possesses bactericidal properties, acts against calculi in liver, kidneys and bladder, decreases blood pressure, decreases bad cholesterol level.
  • Watermelons are 97% water, lettuce 97%, tomatoes 95%, and carrots 90%, and bread 30%.
  • Intervertebral discs consist largely of water (at birth, discs are about eighty percent water, although this usually declines with age). Therefore, keeping the body well hydrated by drinking water regularly is important to nourish the spinal discs and help keep them healthy.
  • The more fat in your body the less percentage of water it contains. Woman's body consists of about 60% and man's one of about 65% of water because naturally woman's body contains more fat.
  • Before you snuggle into bed at night, apply some lip cream. The rich creamy texture is sure to get your lips all soft and supple by next morning.


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Strong bones and sound body structures

Much as the strength of a building depends on a sound structure, our bodies too need a strong frame in order to be healthy. After all our body consists of 206 bones making it a sound system! Hence, it is so necessary that we take care of our bone health by eating right, if we are to remain youthful and active throughout our life. Elderly people need to be very cautious as they are highly prone to fractures as bones get brittle with age. Women need to take care of sufficient amount of calcium being available in the body to avoid osteoporosis.

  • Proteins are needed for maintaining bone strength and for repairing damaged tissues. However, compared to young children, protein needs fall as we get older because it becomes hard to digest the proteins.
  • A calcium-rich diet is the most important part of any regimen for the care of bones. Calcium is also essential for the teeth, and helps to keep them intact so that we can not only eat well, but also give those winning smiles that proclaim our youthfulness.
  • Helping the body to absorb the calcium is vitamin D, which also assists in maintaining adequate levels of this mineral in the blood. So we need plenty of vitamin D too.
  • Also, helping the absorption of calcium is vitamin C, which, additionally, strengthens both bones and muscle. Because of its immunity-boosting properties, vitamin C helps in the healing of broken bones too.