Friday, December 17, 2010

Work those Flabby ABS

The relationship between women and a set of taut abs goes back a long way. Any expert will tell you that the abdominals are among the hardest muscles to exercise. Add to that a combination of factors – poor diet and lack of exercise – and getting a healthy and flat set of abs becomes that much harder. So then how important is it for women to work out this section of muscles? Is it for purely cosmetic reasons? For hardcore health reasons or a combination of both?

For many looking good goes beyond the face. It means looking good all over, and that includes abdominals as well. And for others, looking sexy and feeling healthy goes along the profession as they have to stay in shape. Women can attain that lean look without fearing that if they do stomach crunches; their abs will look ‘un-feminine’. The idea is to keep the muscles firm.

For most women, the rigors and rhythms of daily life leaves them little time to exercise. But yet, strong abs can actually increase one’s productivity by making your lower back stronger and less prone to injury. That means you save on medical bills and visits to the doctor. A strong set of abdominal muscles helps maintain the posture as well. Stabilizing core abdominal muscles stabilize the spine, which is involved in every movement that you do. In fact, if your core abdominal muscles are weak, you can get a jerk even while you are driving.

Working for your lower body, be it for your butt, abs or thighs, also has great health benefits. For women tend to put weight around those areas as they grow older and their metabolism slows down. Extra weight around the stomach combined with weak abdominal muscles puts a strain on the back muscles, puts a strain on and leads to an irregular curvature of the spine.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cool Down after a Good Work Out

So you have just pumped some iron, cursed your trainer for making do those two extra stomach crunches, but managed to run on the treadmill dreaming about the sumptuous toast and sunny side up, sausages and juice waiting for you at your breakfast table. The last three minutes on the treadmill seems like an eon, and once you’re done, you rush your sweaty body straight to the shower.

Though you feel great after the work-out, you’re dreading the next morning because you’re sure that every muscle in your body is going to scream, ache, make you walk funny and go ouch, ouch, ouch’ at the slightest move. Why that happens do you think? Simple, you haven’t cooled down.

What if I don’t?
A cool down is of super importance and should be factored into every exercise regime, just like the warm up. The most definite effect of not cooling down properly after intense exercise is that it leads to stiff and painfully sore muscles the next day or causes cramps.

This is because abruptly stopping in an activity may cause pooling of the blood and slow the removal of waste products like lactic acid, which is accumulated in the muscles. The tension in the muscles also leads to uncomfortable tremors, which make your limbs feel weak and wobbly.

The Routine
So, make sure you cool down after vigorous exercise. The routine however, purely depends on the intensity of your exercise regimen and the amount of pressure put on your muscles and body.

It can involve a slow jog, walk or stretch. It is said that a minimum 10-15 minute cool down period allows heart rate and breathing to return to normal. Slow walking will prevent blood from pooling in the legs, which is a cause of dizziness and blackouts.

The simplest way to cool down is to follow the same stretches that you do to warm up. This will prevent the muscles from becoming sore and stiff. So, breakfast can wait ten minutes?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Why is Breast-feeding Necessary & Beneficial?

Breast feeding is essential for the mental and physical development of a new born baby. Mother’s milk is the most natural and complete food for the baby. Breast feeding generates integration between the baby and mother creating a life long attachment. The posture of feeding, patience and affectionate touch of the mother makes the child relaxed, comfortable and secure.

The first milk called colostrums is a yellowish, thick and sticky liquid rich in antibodies, minerals and proteins. The baby may be unable to suck initially
but soon gets adapted to it. Great care and patience is required from the part of the mother during this stage. Sucking stimulates the milk glands, enhancing milk production. The baby will start chewing the nipples after four to five months of breast feeding. The is a natural indication showing the need of solid foods, but it is better to seek the advise of a pediatrician. The child may have problems to digest solid food fully so weaning foods can be given at this stage.

Mother’s milk alone may not be sufficient enough to supply all the nutrients required for a growing child. Inclusion of cereals and fiber rich food in the diet can improve the muscular functions. But breast feeding should not be stopped in this stage because it provides all the necessary nutrients to keep the baby healthy.

Breast feeding is useful to both baby and mother and should be deliberately promoted if the mother does not suffer from any illness. Mother’s infected by tuberculosis or HIV and those addicted to alcohol or drugs should avoid breast feeding. Breast feeding consumes a fare amount of energy and reduces weight gained during pregnancy. It helps to regain the uterus size and to stop bleeding. Lactating in mothers can reduce the risk for ovarian and breast cancer. The possibility of pelvic fractures and osteoporosis are seemed to lessen in breast feeding women.

Baby can be fed either directly from mother’s breast or feeding bottle. Mother’s milk is the natural and balanced source of protein, fat, sugar and water required for the infant. The difficulties in the preparation, mixing and measuring of artificial feeds can be avoided. Moreover improper sterilization of bottles can result in infection.
Breast milk is available at any time with the right temperature and taste. Breast feeding can enhance teeth growth and speech development. It can reduce sleeplessness in both child and mother.

Mother’s milk has several preventive aspects and such infants have a less possibility towards Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and other diseases. Premature babies who are breast fed will be healthier than those artificially fed. Breast fed babies will be mentally stronger and have better I.Q. It also raises the self-confidence and relationship between the child and mother. Breast feeding is that what makes a mother sacred above everyone in the world.