Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Brisk walking for fitness: Know How?

Walking is one of the simplest and yet so effective exercise to tone your body, lose some calories and control weight. It is a great way to accustom your body to exercise. Brisk walking is the most popular aerobic exercise among women and is appropriate for women of all ages. Of course men can always accompany their ladies while brisk-walk. What makes brisk-walk different from normal walk is the speed.

Many people don’t realize what difference a regular walking pattern can bring to their life. Cardio-vascular diseases are the number one threat to the people worldwide. It has been proved that 30 minutes of regular brisk walking can lower the risks of having cardio-vascular diseases. Brisk walking burns almost as many calories as running or jogging for the same length. It is very beneficial for fat-loss around your waist and hips. Your thigh muscles and calf muscles become so flexible and the joints at knees, ankles become free.

Whenever you plan to start walking, start with a slower pace and small distance. Gradually, increase the pace as well as the distance and you will feel the difference. Also, observe the time you take to finish one mile so that you can analyze your speed and work on it. Walking in morning is said to have a bigger impact because it keeps you active and fresh throughout the day. The climate in the morning is much more soothing and you feel closer to nature. Start walking and lift your spirits!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Food for thought for hot summers

When hot summers are nearing, make some simple changes in your meals to escape from the effects of heat exposure. Water loss from the body is the major concern during summers and the best way to hydrate your body is by increasing the intake of liquids. But there are few other techniques too to keep your body cool and light.

It is better to avoid heavy food, especially those that are oily. During summers, it is difficult to digest such food. Restricting yourself to vegetarian diet can be of great help. Avoid non-vegetarian food for few months.

Always be cautious of the water you drink. You never know when you may suffer of some water-borne disease.

Cooking food at proper temperature is vital. Also, separate raw food and cooked food. Keeping them together can cross-contaminate food. Incase of doubt about the freshness of food, just throw it out!

Have loads of fresh and green vegetables. Salads with your choice of dressings can be good fillers and easy to digest. Cucumbers and tomatoes can be as cool as ice for your body.

Fruits are the best energy agents that keep you active ever. Fruits like watermelons, grapes, sweet melons and mangoes keep your body cool and regulate the heat. Instead of consuming packaged fruit juices and punch, make your own ice-crushed cocktails and drinks with different combinations.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The cholesterol myth - It’s all in your mind!

People all over the world are afraid of the word cholesterol thinking it is responsible for all cardiac problems. It is a truth that cardiac problems are a major reason for death all over the world. There are several myths associated with heart and cholesterol.

Myth 1: All cholesterol in my body is bad!

Cholesterols are of two types HDL, the good cholesterol and LDL, the bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is produced by liver in our body. Cholesterol is required in our body for the production of bile salts, hormones and vitamin D. When the LDL cholesterol level in our body increases it has the tendency to stick on the artery walls. This may obstruct the flow of blood leading to heart attack.

Excess of HDL production does not harm the body. The unutilized HDL in the body is transferred to liver and removed from the body through excretion. HDL also has the capability of removing some LDL deposits in the arteries. So an increase in the level of HDL in the blood can reduce the chance of heart problems.

LDL level in the blood can be reduced by monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats found in nuts and fishes. Soluble fiber found in fruits, oats, barley and legumes also have the ability to decrease LDL level. Since LDL cholesterol level can be fatal you should frequently check it. And if it cannot be controlled naturally you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. Because, increase in cholesterol level depends on many factors like family background, age, gender, eating habits, exercise, body weight, size and diabetes conditions.

Myth 2: Seafood is high in cholesterol, so stop eating seafood!

Most of the people consider that seafood may increase the cholesterol level in your body. Actually seafood like fish is a source of good cholesterol (HDL), and is capable of reducing the risk of heart problems. Saturated fats and trans-fatty acids are responsible for increasing cholesterol levels. These substances are found in prepackaged foods or snacks, deep fried foods and foods prepared from partially hydrogenated oil.

Myth 3: Avoid potatoes as they are fattening!

Potatoes are wrongly though of as being fattening. Actually, besides being high in fibre, potatoes are rich in many vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates. They should be baked or boiled to make a nutritious and filling meal. It is only when they are fried however (as in the case of French fries) that the calorie content goes up substantially upto as much as three times.