Monday, May 26, 2008

The art of sleeping

Sleeping disorders are very harmful and affects the mental, physical and emotional stability of the human body. Sleep is most essential for the body because it is the only time when all part of the body gets complete rest and relaxation. Any disorder in sleep affects all the part of the body making a person completely unsettled and drained. Almost all people might have faced difficulties in sleeping at some stages of their life. Sleeping problem requires medical attention and is curable.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Sleeping disorders can affect your health badly even if you are eating and exercising properly. Lack of sleep will let you physically and mentally deprived of rest. Your organs no longer can work in a coordinated manner. This in turn affects your concentration and alertness. Sleeping disorders can also increase risk for diabetes, cause obesity and affect the functioning of immune system. There are many methods you can follow to get a good night sleep:

* Avoid caffeine contained foods and drinks before sleeping.

* Have a time schedule for sleeping and wakening.

* Do not strain physically before going to sleep.

* Wear loose and comfortable night wears for sleeping.

* A nominal temperature in the room is good for a nice sleep.

* Avoid watching television, and listening to stimulating music before going to bed.

* Practice meditation or relaxation techniques.

If you are experiencing sleeping disorders even after trying, do not hesitate to seek the advice of an experienced doctor.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Know more obesity - No more obesity

What is obesity?

Obesity can be defined differently depending on one’s perception about it. Obesity to me is when the shape of the body looks like the letter ‘O’. It is a critical condition due to excess amount of body fat. Now how do you measure the excess level of fats in your body? Body mass Index is the criteria to check if you are obese. The normal amount of body fat (expressed as percentage of body fat) is between 25-30% in women and 18-23% in men. Women with over 30% body fat and men with over 25% body fat are considered obese. More important is the increasing numbers in child obesity. Our eating habits as adults are, in part, determined by how we're fed as babies.

What causes obesity?

There are many causes to obesity but some of the common ones are overeating, physical inactivity, diet high in saturated fats and sugars, hereditary, side-effects of medication, anxiety, and menopause for women. This means that people tend to be obese when their calorie intake is much higher than what they burn with physical exercise in their daily life.

Why is obesity so over-hyped?

Overweight and Excess fats has led to adverse metabolic effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and insulin resistance. They invite risk for major chronic ailments such as heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, hyper-tension, emotional imbalance and even cancer. In the United States, roughly 300,000 deaths per year are directly related to obesity.

Why obese women are more than obese men?

The simple reason for more women being obese as compared to men is their metabolism rate. Women have more fats and less muscle than men. Other tissues including fats burn lesser calories than muscles. Thus, women have a slower metabolism than men which results in putting on more weight than men and it becomes tougher for weight loss. Also with age, our metabolism slows down due to muscle loss. That is the reason you find older people gaining weight unless they reduce their daily calorie intake.