Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fortifying the surface

Scientifically speaking, ageing could be explained as a decline in an individual’s ability to respond and defend itself against the various internal and external factors that cause ageing like stress, environmental damage or internal disorders. We are all aware that with age our body’s defense mechanisms slow down. So we easily fall prey to various infections. This is where our body immunity comes into play.

The body’s first line of defense is the skin. Anything that enters the body has to pass through your skin. So by improving the skin’s immunity, the body is better protected against diseases, while also reducing the visible signs of ageing. Though we have not been able to reverse this natural clock of ageing, it now seems possible with the newer advances in biotechnology. Young skin readily regenerates collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans.

In ageing skin, the quantity of active fibroblasts is greatly reduced which means that synthesis of collagen and elastin decreases. By utilizing the benefits of this newer technology, we can stimulate cells to increase the rate of skin cell regeneration and restores skin’s ability to regenerate fast.